EMA Exam Announcement (20.01.2025)

Dear all;


The following is the schedule for the End of Module Assessment (EMA)       of Module II:



Birmingham                          Monday, January 20th at 09:00

Exeter                                     Monday, January 20th at 09:00

Paddington                             Monday, January 20th at 13:00 

Islington                                 Monday, January 20th at 13:00

* Please note that the exam will be face-to-face for all students.

* Birmingham and Exeter level students must be in their assigned classrooms at 08:30 and have their student ID cards, pencils, erasers, and sharpeners with them.

* Paddington and Islington level students must be in their assigned classrooms at 12:30 and have their student ID cards, pencils, erasers, and sharpeners with them.

* The EMA exam for Birmingham-level students includes Reading, Use of English (Grammar), While Listening, and Paragraph Writing.

* The EMA exam for Exeter-level students includes Reading, Use of English  (Grammar), Note-taking, and Paragraph Writing.

* The EMA exam for Paddington, and Islington level students includes Reading,                                Use of English (Grammar), Note-taking, and Essay Writing.

*Each skill has 25 points which makes the total score out of 100 points.

* Reading, Use of English (Grammar), and Listening questions are multiple-choice. Please remember to transfer your answers to the optic sheets. You will not be given extra time.

*There is NO make-up exam.

*Bring your student cards, pencils, erasers, and sharpeners with you.


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